PSI Blog

Blog posts from the Psychology Society of Ireland (PSI), including comments from PSI staff and members on emerging matters in the psychology discipline.

11 July 2024

What a Difference a Year Makes: Reflecting on One Year as PSI CEO

Hard to believe, but I am now a full year in the role as CEO of PSI, and what a year it’s been!  This, like all anniversaries, is a time to reflect and...

28 June 2024

Harnessing AI for Good: A Human-Centred Approach

In a world increasingly driven by technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as both a beacon of promise and a potential threat. As we seek to...

31 May 2024

Navigating Change and Building Trust: CEO Commentary on Organisational Progress

As local, European, and general elections loom, the winds of change lurk close by. In truth, change is a double-edged sword, as it heralds often necessary...

19 April 2024

Lost in Translation: CEO commentary on communication and neurodiversity

We’ve all been there, a time when communication breaks down because something has got lost in translation. It may be the sequencing – which has a...

08 March 2024

Why Gender Parity Matters: CEO commentary on Gender Parity (International Women's Day 2024)

I have been doing a lot of reading in the run-up to International Women’s Day today, and a lot of musing in particular on gender parity, which I believe is...

22 February 2024

How we Talk about Immigration: CEO Commentary on Immigration Public Debates

Even a cursory glance at the news these days reveals disturbing reports of a growing swell of mixed and often intolerant views on immigrants/asylum seekers....

2 November 2023

A Successful Strategy is About Coming Together: CEO Commentary on PSI’s Vision and Strategy

A good vision requires some cathedral thinking, a willingness to re-imagine the present into a better or even ideal future. It needs to be ambitious as well...

16 October 2023

Strong on Sentiment, Soft on Support: CEO Commentary on Budget 2024

Although announced on the same day as World Mental Health Day (10 October 2023), Budget 24 is clearly deficient in terms of focused mental health and...