
12 July 2024

Conversion therapy in Ireland renounced by healthcare bodies

The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), along with the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland and the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, has signed a memorandum of understanding renouncing the practice of conversion therapy on the island of Ireland, stating that the practice is unethical, potentially harmful and is not supported by evidence. 

Read the full press release here


10 July 2024

PSI supports the Mental Health Commission’s concerns regarding non-compliance in Irish mental health care

The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) echoes the concerns raised by Prof. Jim Lucey, State Inspector of Mental Services, regarding the grave non-compliance of Ireland’s acute mental health centres with minimum standards.

The PSI is particularly alarmed by the findings of the Mental Health Commission, which reported the highest level of noncompliance ever recorded last year. The PSI advocates for full parity between general and mental health across Ireland’s mental health services. More needs to be done to ensure a person-centred, human rights-based approach to mental health.

Read the full PSI press release here


10 June 2024

PSI CEO Sheena Horgan wrote a letter to the Editor of the Irish Times regarding the naming of the National Children's Hospital (NCH)

"Psychological research informs us that the name of children’s hospitals can directly impact the outcomes of the children attending. A child’s experience of hospital can start long before they ever walk through its doors for the first time..." 

Following the PSI writing to the Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon, regarding the naming of the National Children's Hospital, PSI CEO Sheena Horgan wrote a letter to the Editor of The Irish Times

Read the letter here


27 May 2024

PSI Special Interest Group in Human Rights and Psychology (SIGHRP) Submission to the Consultation on the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Strategy Statement 2025-2027

The PSI Special Interest Group in Human Rights and Psychology (SIGHRP) has made a submission to the public consultation on the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) Strategy Statement 2025-2027. The submission, which was co-ordinated by Dr Michelle Cowley-Cunningham and Dr Elaine Rogers, focuses on mental health/physical health parity to guide the recommendations.

Read the submission here


03 May 2024

Launch of Adult Clinical Neuropsychology Specialist Competencies Framework

The PSI Division of Neuropsychology (DoN) has launched the Adult Clinical Neuropsychology Specialist Competencies Framework. In the pipeline since 2019, the DoN consulted widely with relevant stakeholders. This is the first framework of its type to be developed in the Irish context and helps to establish the competencies unique to adult clinical neuropsychology as it stands today. This will help prepare the profession for important future developments, including ongoing advocacy relating to neuropsychology posts, and is in keeping with international trends. 

Launching the Adult Clinical Neuropsychology Specialist Competencies Framework sets up a series of important actions for DoN which will have a bearing on the profession in Ireland. It is important that those working in the field are aware of this context. 

Read the Framework here


30 April 2024

PSI's Submission to the Department of Social Protection's Green Paper on Disability Reform Public Consultation

The PSI has made a submission to the Department of Social Protection's Green Paper on Disability Reform Public Consultation. The submission, which was prepared by the PSI Disability Reform Working Group led by Dr Damien Lowry and Dr Sarah Cassidy, focuses on implementing multidisciplinary, transparent, and accessible processes aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, highlighting systemic barriers to accessing support, and reducing stigma. The Working Group sought valuable input from representatives of the Disabled Person's Organisations Network, the National Clinical Programme for People with Disabilities, and PSI Division and Special Interest Group members. We have distributed our submission to relevant Ministers and the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Disability Matters and look forward to engaging on this topic in the future.

Read the submission here.


22 April 2024

National Mother and Baby Unit a necessity - Joint statement from PSI SIGPIMH & I-AIMH

Ahead of the 'Infant Mental Health in Ireland: Early Relationships Matter' joint conference, the PSI Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Special Interest Group (SIGPIMH) and the Irish Association for Infant Mental Health (IAIMH) have issued a joint statement highlighting the importance of a national Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) and strongly support its inclusion in the Revised Model of Care for Perinatal Mental Health Services in Ireland.

Read the statement here.


18 April 2024

PSI Welcomes Government Prioritisation of the Mental Health Bill Following Minister Butler’s Announcement

As the learned and professional body for the psychology profession in the Republic of Ireland, The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), welcomes the Minister for Mental Health and Older People’s announcement that the new Mental Health Bill has been selected for priority publication for the current legislative session.

Commenting on the announcement, PSI CEO Sheena Horgan said: “This latest announcement, whilst a long time coming, clearly signals the political appetite and will to progress the addressing of Ireland’s mental health needs. Given the comprehensive content of the Bill, as indicated in the PSI’s discussions with the Minister, the Bill and subsequent Act has the potential to positively improve mental health service delivery and supports in the future.”

Read the full PSI press release here.


18 April 2024

The Revised Model of Care for Neonatal Services in Ireland: Psychology and Infant Mental Health

The PSI Special Interest Group in Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (SIGPIMH) and Special Interest Group in Paediatric Psychology (SIGPeP) have collaborated with the Irish Association for Infant Mental Health (I-AIMH) in producing a position paper for consideration in the Revised Model of Care for Neonatal Services in Ireland. 

To read the position paper please click here.


10 April 2024

The PSI welcomes Sheila McClelland as the new CEO of CORU

The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) is delighted to extend a warm welcome to Sheila McClelland as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CORU.

The PSI anticipates that Ms McClelland’s extensive experience, and proven leadership in healthcare regulation, will contribute significantly to CORU's mission of protecting the public through promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training, and competence among health and social care professionals.

Read more here.


22 March 2024

All-Ireland Psychology Careers Event - Presentations

Following another successful Careers Event organised by the PSI and the NIBPS, we are delighted to share some of the presentations from the day. Thanks to the UCD School of Psychology for hosting this year's Careers Event, which took place on Saturday 02 March, and thank you to all of the presenters and delegates. Click on the relevant presentations below to view.

Behaviour Analysis
Clinical Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Educational Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Health Psychology
Organisational/Occupational Psychology
Sport Psychology
What to do with your psychology degree

01 March 2024

The Psychological Society of Ireland produces paper titled Referendums: On the Relevance of Psychology 

The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) has produced a paper, entitled Referendums: On the Relevance of Psychology, in advance of the 08 March 2024 referendums on Family and Care. The paper can be found on the Guidelines, Policies, & Papers page of the website.

To read the full paper please click here.


21 February 2024

Children’s Rights Alliance Report Card 2024: Lowest Grades are in Mental Health

Following the launch of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA) Report Card 2024, the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) asserts the need to mobilise a mental health movement that puts human rights at its heart and children first.

Whilst the CRA’s Report Card 2024 covers many issues faced by children today, the lowest grades relate to issues concerning mental health, which is also one of the two spotlight areas in the Young Ireland National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2023-2028.

The PSI and its membership are resolutely dedicated to advocating for the upholding of children’s rights, and testament to this commitment is human rights being one of the strategic themes for the PSI Strategy 2024-2026. It is the professional and moral duty of the psychological community to advocate for children’s right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health as per The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which Ireland ratified in 1992.

To read the full press release please click here.


31 January 2024

The Psychological Society of Ireland unites with HSCP organisations to voice satisfaction with recent Children’s Disabilities Services negotiations 

Five professional organisations (AOTI, IASLT, IASW, ISCP, PSI) representing Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, and Psychologists have issued a joint statement in November to express their concern over the safety of Children’s Disability Services within the HSE.

They are "delighted" with the outcome of recent negotiations on the topic, and have committed to further engagement with National Clinical Programme for People with Disabilities and the National Disabilities Team.

For further information click here.


18 January 2024

Mental Health Policy Conference 2024 Covers Investment and Climate but not Housing or Reform, says the PSI

President of The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), Dr Odhrán Mc Carthy, attended the Mental Health Policy Conference 2024 (16th) organised by the Department of Health with the support of the Health Service Executive (HSE).

The event drew together 200 experts in the field of mental health policy, service delivery, research, and advocacy to discuss developments in national mental health policy and delivery. The Conference was convened and opened by Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler, with contributions from Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly and An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar.

For further information click here.


05 January 2024

The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) sends condolences to family of former Society President

With deep sadness, we inform you of the passing of Dympna Walsh, a cherished member of our organisation. Dympna was not just a member, but an integral part of PSI since its inception in 1970. Her contribution has left an indelible mark on all of us.

Dympna was chair of the Mental Handicapped/Learning Disabilities Special Interest Group in the early 1980s, demonstrating her passion and dedication to advancing our understanding of these critical areas. She also played a pivotal role in the development and success of the Society’s Postgraduate Professional Diplomas in Clinical and Educational Psychology.

In 1987-88, Dympna held the position of President of PSI. Her legacy will forever be intertwined with the growth and success of the organisation. We extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to Dympna's family during this difficult time.


02 January 2024

The Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) welcomes Dr Odhrán Mc Carthy as new president for 2024

PSI Chartered Member Dr Odhrán Mc Carthy becomes the 54th Society President in taking on the role from 01 January 2024. We look forward to Odhrán bringing his expertise and enthusiasm to the role. Advocating for diversity and inclusivity, and expanding PSI's sphere of influence in important and meaningful ways, are two aspects of the role that he's most passionate about. In November 2023, at the online PSI Annual Conference, Odhrán delivered his President's Address where he discussed his life and career trajectory.

To watch Odhrán's presidential address click here.
